Soulmates @ Weddings, Wattle Park Chalet.

Weddings in most people eyes can render a whole host of feelings. I had the pleasure at our last couple uniting, watching as the Father and Daughter started to walk towards the groom , the music chosen for that moment was”Some where over the Rainbow” and I teared up. Well who wouldn’t.
Its emotional, happy, joyous. Each Wedding I get to walk through the Emotions of these couples. Their music choices , food choices, table layouts, Timings. One could almost feel like the forever Bridesmaid at each wedding. But in my heart I see those who have their other half.
Small gestures of love be it words a touch, a smile, a frown. They know each other, this union is for each other, and in their eyes there is only each other, For they are each others Soul Mate.
                                                                                                     Kathy Casey
“When you meet that person. a person. one of your soulmates. let the connection. the relationship. be what it is. it may be five minutes. five hours. five days. five months. five years. a lifetime. five lifetimes. let it manifest itself the way it is meant to be. it has an organic destiny. this way it stays or if it leaves. you will be softer. from having been loved this authentically. souls come into. return. open. and sweep through your life for a myriad of reason. let them be who. and what they are meant to be.”
 poem by Nayyirah Waheed
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